Dance/Art Program for Teens

Website is a S.E.E.D. program. Our mission for is to help teen girls cultivate a positive Self esteem, Empowerment, and Education through Dance (…also Art Journaling & learning to resource). With the new school schedules we have adapted our program to be able to offer small group, 12-week sessions so girls have a safe place to continue learning on days they can’t be at school. Each class is 3 hours long. Girls learn world dance, art journaling, and learn to create music, clothing, & accessories. We also have guest teachers who speak on self defense, financial intelligence, goal-setting, nutrition, and more!
Limited to 10 girls (12-18 years old)per class.
Classes are held in Holualoa at the Orchid Isle Manor Dance Studio.
Fall Session classes begin second week of September and end third week of December.
Morning Group A meets Monday & Tuesday 9am-12
Morning Group B meets Thursday & Friday 9am-12
Afternoon Group C meets Monday & Tuesday 1pm – 4pm
Afternoon Group D meets Thursday & Friday 1pm – 4pm
Wednesdays are optional where Morning Groups or Afternoon Groups can meet for guest presentations and non contact projects together.
Wednesday options are with parents permission (as we realize a lot of good friends may no longer get to see each other at school with the new schedule- so at least they can still see each other once a week if parents allow).
- Event Area: West Hawaiʻi