Digital Advertising & Media Services
By creating high-quality, community-focused digital content for our readers, we provide excellent return for our partners. With over 1.4 MILLION website page views in 2023 and over 71,000 social followers! We can help you get exceptional visibility for your business through the digital advertising opportunities we offer. We believe in the Big Island, we believe in a thriving local business economy, and we look forward to welcoming you to the ʻohana as our newest partner!
Join Our Growing Partner List!

Services We Offer

Our phenomenal in-house creative team can produce everything you need, from social media graphics to video/voice commercials, professional photography, radio spots, podcasts, and videos for you and your business. We even have a big green screen for fun backgrounds!

Our editorial and graphics team can create engaging articles, public service announcements, social media posts and stories, campaigns, custom digital ads, we can even help with your website, logo, and virtually anything else your business may need to grow your customer base!

In addition to our website and social presence, we’ve proudly partnered with The Wave 92.7FM, to help your business be heard! Fully customizable commercial recordings! Let The Wave 92FM get your message out on the air to your customers!

Web design
Our in-house web design gurus can help bring your business out of the dark by creating a fully responsive, mobile friendly, modern and functional website to help drive traffic to your business! Already have a website? Our team can give it new life with a fresh, updated look.

Graphic design
Need a logo? Have an old logo that needs an update? Our wizard-like in-house graphic designers can create strong logos in a variety of formats to help you stand out to your current and future clients and customers! Attractive marketing and so much more.

social media Manager
Our pro team will create stunning and attractive social media graphics for your business! We will work with you to map out and create graphics, descriptions, and the ‘feel’ that you want—utilizing all your hashtags and your personal go-to words for a variety of different platforms.

We know you’re busy running your business – let us help you keep your books in order and your stress levels low!

Credit Card Processing
Free to low cost credit card processing for our Big Island businesses! Take advantage of our in house deals to help save your business hard earned money!

Take the guesswork out of mind boggling forms and deductions! Our team of financial professionals will help make sense of your dollars!
NEW! Social Media Management and Website Design
You asked and we listened, Big Island!
Big Island Pulse is now pleased to offer Social Media Content Creation and Management packages and website design! Our team will create stunning and attractive social media graphics for your business! We will work with you and your team to create graphics, descriptions, and the ‘feel’ that you want—utilizing all your hashtags and your personal go-to words. We can work with any budget. Contact us today and let us help grow your social media audience! Click here to fill out our inquiry form to let us know you are interested in a Social Media Creator/Manager or need website help! Starting at $500/month!

Kristen "KT" Thario
Sales Manager & Owner | As Big Island Pulse owner, KT is responsible for overseeing all partner accounts and ensuring that all of our advertisers are achieving their digital goals!
We're Here to Help!
We’ve put together some great specials to support our local Big Island businesses during this challenging time. Our goal is to help get our local economy thriving again and we will! We offer customizable packages to fit any budget. Let us help you spread the word that you’re OPEN and READY for business—advertise your kamaʻāina specials with us on the our Kama’āina Directory. CLICK HERE We’d love to meet and chat with you to get a better idea of how we can help support you and your local business or organization. Please follow up with a member of our sales team any way you’d like or fill out our general sales inquiry form (below).
We look forward to hearing from you and welcoming you as our newest partner very soon!
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