Dr. Kū Kahakalau is a native Hawaiian educator, researcher, cultural practitioner, grassroots activist, and expert in Hawaiian language, history and culture. Over the past 25 years, Dr. Kahakalau has promoted the revitalization of Hawaiian language and culture, hands-on learning in the environment, community sustainability and Hawaiian self-determination in education and beyond through a Pedagogy of Aloha. Dr. Kahakalau has also founded and administered innovate Hawaiian-focused programs like Kūkulu Kumuhana Camps in Waipi’o Valley, Kanu o ka `Āina, Hawai’i’s first fully-accredited native-focused PK-12 public charter school, Hālau Wānana, an innovative State-approved teacher licensing program, a family-owned social enterprise called Kū-A-Kanaka, and her latest project, EA Ecoversity, a Hawaiian-focused post-secondary program that transitions Hawaiian ‘ōpio to culturally-grounded, happy, successful, thriving kanaka makua, and responsible global citizens.

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