Big Island Beekeepers Association (BIBA) April Monthly Meeting


Apr 13 2021


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm



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This month, Lauren Rusert will be providing an update on her research on the Introduction of Varroa destructor has not altered honey bee queen mating success in the Hawaiian archipelago.
Hawaii is a unique place to study honey bees and Lauren explores whether mating success and queen quality are affected by the presence of the Varroa mite. Lauren mated queens on four Hawaiian Islands, with and without Varroa mites, measuring how many drones each queen mated with, their quality, and their viral levels. During the talk, she will walk you through her most recent publication on the process, results, and possibilities for the outcome.
Guest Speaker Bio
Lauren Rusert has worked with honey bees for almost 15 years around the United States and in Brazil. Some of the research she has been involved with include pesticide impacts, breeding programs, nutrition, Varroa control, population genetics, and queen bee quality. She was the former Apiary Section Chief for Hawaii until 2017, followed by receiving her Master’s from NC State in 2019 focusing on queen bee quality, and honey bee genetics in Hawaii. Lauren is currently working on her PhD at UC Davis in the E.L. Niño Lab researching how different stocks perform, increasing queen acceptance rates among bees, and looking at worker and queen bee longevity.
Our guest speaker of the month will begin promptly at 6:15PM followed by a short business meeting

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