Big Island Beekeepers Association (BIBA) March Monthly Meeting
This month Dr Jeni Walke, a molecular microbiologist specializing in the molecular biology and population ecology of the honey bee will be speaking to us on Zooming Down to the Bee Gut Microbiome.
Guest Speaker Bio
Dr. Jeni Walke, Assistant Professor of Biology at Eastern Washington University; Cheney, Washington, is a molecular microbiologist specializing in the molecular biology and population ecology of the honey bee. She and her students study the role of beneficial and disease-causing microorganisms on their hosts, asking whether or not a healthy bee gut can mitigate Nosema and pesticides. Recently awarded a prestigious grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Walke’s team, along with collaborators at Virginia Tech, will be investigating the interactions among bees, their symbiotic gut microbes, and pathogens that affect their health.
Our guest speaker of the month will begin at 6:15PM followed by a short business meeting.
- Event Area: East Hawaiʻi, South Hawaiʻi, West Hawaiʻi, North Hawaiʻi