
Simple DIY with HPM – 2×4 Park Bench

We are bringing versatility to this Simple DIY with HPM Building Supply by introducing The AnySize Chair from 2×4 Basics. IT’S EASY! Simple assembly with only a powered screwdriver and a saw. Only straight, 90 ° cuts are required – no miters or angles.



Tools & Items Needed For This Project:

    • AnySize 2×4 Basics kit from HPM
  • 2×4 lumber
  • Galvanized exterior grade screws (the box comes with screws, but we recommend upgrading to exterior screws for longevity)
  • Saw
  • Drill
  • Paint/Stain (optional)

Step 1 – Cut And Stain Your Wood To length

With the AnySize Chair from 2×4 Basics at HPM, the length of your bench is fully customizable. This great piece of furniture is as easy to assemble as can be.  You will need (9) pieces of 2×4 cut to the same length. You can decide on the length as long as they don’t exceed 6 feet.  For this example, we selected 5-foot pieces. Once the pieces are cut, stain or paint the pieces.  To avoid a mess, be sure the pieces are completely dry before assembly.

Step 2 – Assemble The Base

Take (2) of the pieces and attach to the base of the AnySize Chair.  Use the drill and galvanized outdoor screws to fasten the 2×4’s to the base.

Step 3 – Attach The Back Of The AnySize Chair

Using the drill and galvanized screws, attach (3) pieces in the slotted areas to the back of the chair.

Step 4 – Attach the Seat of the AnySize Chair

For the last step, use the remaining pieces of 2×4 and attach to the base of the AnySize Chair.

Congratulations, you are now ready to enjoy the summer with a new, easy to assemble AnySize Chair that looks great in your yard! Thanks to 2×4 Basics, completing your DIY projects has never been easier.

Check out our other “Simple DIY” with 2×4 Basics (ShelfLinks).  For more projects like this be sure to subscribe.  SUBSCRIBE HERE to receive more simple DIY  instructional videos from HPM Building Supply!

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