
What’s With All The Graduations?

Back in my day, we graduated once…when we finished High School.  Of course, for the ones who went on to college, they also had a well-deserved graduation.  Nowadays they have pre-school graduation, kindergarten graduation, elementary school graduation, 8th grade graduation and high school graduation.

So, what’s with all the graduations?

I read an article from about the topic and I have to say…it was hilarious!

She made some great points about schools taking advantage of the overly emotional parents and watering down the high school graduation because it would be the 5th time they graduated.  It was a great read.

I have to say, coming from the same school of thinking I was on board with that.  But then something happened.  My daughter’s pre-school graduation picture showed up in my FB memories from nine years ago.  I stopped, stared at it and then asked myself, “where did the time go?”

At that moment, I realized that I was grateful for that picture as all the memories of her very young self came flooding back.  It was a deep feeling of both joy and sadness.  Joy for all the wonderful times we had guiding her on her journey and sadness because we can never go back.

Sure, I may be a sappy dude but here’s the truth.  If it wasn’t for that pre school graduation, I may never have taken that picture.  And I may have never had a chance to experience the joy and innocence of that moment once again.

After all, if you take away the hustle and bustle of work and bill paying and extracurricular activities and everything else that we make up so that we can tell people how busy our life is…

…isn’t life really about the moments?  The experiences?

At the end of your life will people really say, “We will always remember her as a great bill payer.  Never paid late. Solid credit.   And she had a really sick truck.”


We remember the great parent, sister, daughter and friend.  And in two words I can sum it all up…that’s life. *cue violin music*

Okay, let’s shake off that moment of depression and get back to the point here….GRADUATION(S).

What are your thoughts on this somewhat polarizing topic?

Are all the graduations too much?  Or do you think they should continue?  We’d like to hear your thoughts.


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Hilo Ocean Adventures Hilo, HI (808)934-8344
Hilo Ocean Adventures Hilo, HI (808)934-8344

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