Picture of Petroglyph Press 3rd generation owners

Support Local: Petroglyph Press Celebrates 58 Years in Business!

It’s been 58 years since Steven and Frances Reed opened Petroglyph Press on September 2, 1962, on the corner of Haili and Kinoole Streets, in Hilo, Hawaiʻi.

Today, their son and daughter-in-law, David and Christine Reed, celebrate this anniversary (and their own 44th wedding anniversary later this week) and reflect on what the company has been, what it is, and what it can become. Printing has changed so much in the last nearly six decades, but Petroglyph Press’ dedication to providing quality services to our community and advancing and perpetuating literature and knowledge of Hawaii’s history and culture has not.

Petroglyph Press currently produces 19 books about Hawaiʻi, from history to mythology to coloring books by local artists. Products are manufactured entirely in Hilo; they do it all in-house: from the editing, to the printing, binding, cutting, and distribution. Their mission is also supported through the bookstore, Basically Books, a community source for learning and knowledge. The Reed ʻOhana is so proud of the community they are a part of, and all the people over the years who have been friends, partners, and wonderful contributors to their business and their lives.

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