Vote Mitch Roth for Mayor 2024
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Enter This Youth Logo Design Contest by February 28 for a Chance to Win $100!

The East Hawai’i Drug-Free Coalition (EHDFC) is a newly formed coalition looking for an original logo to better identify the organization. We are seeking youth and young adult talent from East Hawaii who can design a creative, innovative, and professional logo design that represents our community and the EHDFC vision. Vision – “The East Hawai‘i Drug-Free Coalition envisions safe, resilient and thriving communities free of substance misuse. Our mission is to prevent and reduce substance misuse impacting keiki to kupuna with a focus on eliminating underage drinking.”

The contest is open to youth and young adults ages 12 – 20 years old who live in East Hawaii (Hilo, Puna, Hamakua and Ka’u). The contest is not open to group entries. Entries will need the following to complete the form: Full name, age, school/college/organization, phone number, and email address | Logo design uploaded using pdf, jpeg, or a photo image | Describe the meaning and reasoning behind your logo creation.  Entries must be submitted using the following google forms link

 No more than 3 entries may be submitted by any one individual. Each logo submission must be entered separately. Entries must conform to the Submission Guidelines set out below. Entries which fail to do so will be rejected. There is no fee to enter the Contest. Submissions will be accepted through February 28, 2021. Late submissions will not be considered.

The logo’s design should reflect the vision of EHDFC. The logo must incorporate the “East Hawai’i Drug-Free Coalition” name (spelled out). The logo must be easy to use in full color and single color, resize, and manipulate for all reproduction purposes. It should be visually appealing on both small (as small as 2 cm x 2 cm), large scale, and able to be used in full color and a single color. By entering, participants agree to be bound by these contest rules. Violating any rule or not following instructions may eliminate participants’ eligibility. EHDFC has the right to disqualify any entrant at any time at its sole discretion.

The winning design will be selected by members of the EHDFC membership. Entries will be judged on their visual appeal, adherence to the concept, quality of design, and ease of reproduction for the purposes stated above. Their decision will be final and no further correspondence shall be entered into. The winner will be announced during the Award ceremony on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, via teleconference.

The winning logo design will receive a $100 Visa gift card. If the winning logo design selected is from a minor under the age of 18, a parent or legal guardian must sign a consent to accept the $100 Visa gift card.

Please contact or with any questions.



Featured photo by Anthony Shkraba from Pexels

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Re-Elect Mitch Roth 2024

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