The Zonta Club of Hilo is accepting microgrant applications to provide funding for women-owned small businesses on Hawai‘i Island. Women entrepreneurs who are seeking financial support are encouraged to apply.
The program was created to help women in our community start up or expand a business through a microgrant intended to give a helping hand. The grant will be up to $2,000. Awardees are encouraged to “Pay It Forward” when they are financially able.
“Helping women to succeed and improve our communities advances the mission of Zonta. Pay It Forward is one of the many programs our club offers to empower women and girls through service and advocacy,” said Zonta Club of Hilo President Julie Tulang.
The Pay It Forward program of the local chapter of Zonta was launched in 2014 with an initial generous donation from Nancy Cabral, a Zonta member and owner of Day-Lum Rentals & Management, Inc. Cabral’s desire was to encourage other women to achieve financial independence and business success. Since its inception, many other generous donors have contributed to these microgrants for women entrepreneurs.
Applications are being accepted by midnight HST on July 31, 2023. The online application is available at
The Zonta Club of Hilo was founded in 1950 and is a member of Zonta International, whose mission is to build a better world for women and girls. For more information, visit or email