Big Island Beekeepers Association (BIBA) July Monthly Meeting


Jul 12 2022


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm



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This month we will be conducting a HYBRID meeting format! Both online via Zoom and in person at the Kamana Senior Center in Hilo (127 Kamana Dr., Hilo HI 96720). Doors and meeting link open/go live at 6PM Hawaii time, with presentation to begin at 6:30PM.

In observance with health and safety precautions, we ask that for our potluck at the Senior Center, if you bring food, please try to bring things in individualized portions. Please wear a mask when making a plate and do not gather too long around the communal food area. Utensils and hand sanitizer will be provided!

This month we have the pleasure of hosting Dr. JB Friday, the extension Forester for the University of Hawaii. He works with landowners, tree farmers, and professional foresters throughout the state on topics including forest health, restoration of native forests, silviculture of Hawaii’s native Acacia koa, and agroforestry.

He will give a talk on the ohia forests, the botany and ecology of the forests, their importance to us both ecologically, economically, and culturally, and what threats they face, including Rapid Ohia Death. Beekeepers who harvest Lehua honey will be quite interested to hear what Dr. Friday has to say! Please come with questions!


Speaker Bio:

Dr. Friday earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Dartmouth College, a Master’s of Forestry (MF) from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, and a PhD in agriculture from the University of Hawai‘i. In addition to working in Hawai‘i Dr. Friday has also done projects in Guam, Micronesia, the Philippines, and East Timor.


J. B. Friday, Ph. D.
Extension Forester
Cooperative Extension Service
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management
College of Tropical Agriculture
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
tel (808) 969-8254


  • Event Area: East Hawaiʻi, South Hawaiʻi, West Hawaiʻi, North Hawaiʻi

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