Chaos Tabletop RPG Event & Canned Goods Driveso
Entry: $3.00
Pre-registration recommended, see below for details.
Each player should have TWO hours of DM content. Some space will be available for youth that are unable to DM/people who are unable to DM, about 1 for every 2 to 3 players who are DMing. Note that space is limited for these play only spots and are based on number of DMs.
• If you are planing on running/DMing a non-Dungeons & Dragons based RPG please supply pre-generated character sheets for at least 7 players.
• This is a continuous play event so tables will be added as needed. You do not need to be present during the entire event. Stop in when you can and drop when you need to.
• Generate a L3 character. Use 5ed AL rules to generate stats. If you need help with this stop by before the event and someone can help you get set up.
Every two hours a randomization will be done to determine who the DM’s are for each table. (how many DM’s will be dependent on how many players). Table limit will be 7 players per DM, up to 3 tables, max 24 people. Once you have DM’d you will be removed from the DM randomization.
• The rest of the players will be then randomized to the tables.
• Between rotations we will have a 15 to 30 minute break. During that time we will also have random raffle drawings for prizes.
• Every rotation, character hit points, spell points, deaths, etc… are reset when the DM’s change.
• Play time is from 1pm to whenever we get done or whenever we run out of DMs.
Note: Due to COVID, we are not rotating players between rounds.
- Event Area: East Hawaiʻi
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