In-Person Holy Fire Reiki Experience: Healing with Mother Earth
The Holy Fire® Reiki Experience: Healing with Mother Earth grounds us and reconnects us with feelings of safety, protection, and security. It resets our energetic balance, providing healing for a wide range of conditions and issues. The energy is very soothing and feels wonderful.
According to the International Reiki Center for Training (ICRT), Holy Fire® is spiritual energy that creates wholeness through purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance. Holy Fire® Experiences provide healing, insight, and guidance on one’s situation in life. Everyone receives a benefit from this partially guided meditation.
This Holy Fire® Experience will be accompanied by Tibetan singing bowls, gong, drum, and various other meditative instruments.
This Reiki event will be both in-person and online.If you are listening online, be sure to find a comfortable, undisturbed, place to recline or lie down for about 60 minutes.
This will be an online Facebook live event. About 10 minutes before the meditation starts, click on this event to connect to the live transmission. Go to
If you come in person to the Maika’i Reiki Center in Leilani Estates, Pahoa, please bring along a yoga mat or folding chair, cushions for head and under the knees, eye cover, socks, water, a blanket (and anything else to make you feel comfortable). If you have problems with your lower back, you will want to bring cushions or a rolled-up blanket to put under your knees.
Face masks are required during the sound healing.
Please arrive a few minutes before we begin the Reiki session
This event is for ages 16 and up.
Space is very limited due to COVID 19 restrictions. Registration is on a first come, first serve basis.
If you would like to attend in-person, please register and purchase your ticket online. You will receive an e-mail with the street address after registering.
Date: Saturday, 8/8 — Time: 11:00am, Hawaiian Time
Cost $10 LEARN MORE:
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- Event Area: East Hawaiʻi