an ukulele, laptop, and tea sit on awhite bed

Hawai’i Musicians Need to Check out this Free Webinar Series by Creative Lab Hawai’i

Creative Lab Hawai’i is offering four, one-hour webinar modules to Hawai’i’s community of musicians as well as the general public. Through these one-hour modules, Hawaiian musicians will have the opportunity to learn about important business and marketing topics that can help them grow their music careers and blossom as entrepreneurs—and they can do so from anywhere, on any island.

“This program was specifically designed for Hawai’i’s talented songwriters, singers, and musicians who have been adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Mike McCartney, State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT) Director via Creative Lab Hawai’i’s official press release. “Our goal is to empower them with the knowledge and skills to be able to generate new sources of income in the emerging digital economy.”

The impact that the pandemic has had on artists in Hawai’i over the last eight months has been devastating, so as society moves further into the digital era, many must consequently adapt to these changes. Interested participants can register here for this unique virtual experience and reveal musical opportunities from the comfort of their couches. Oh, and did we mention that it’s free?

Creative Lab Hawai’i Webinars:

  • DEMYSTIFYING ONLINE ROYALTIES, 11/9/20: You are probably not collecting all of your royalties! This module will explain the various royalty streams, and what you need to do to make sure you are collecting what you’ve earned.
  • HOW TO GET YOUR MUSIC INTO FILM AND TV, 11/12/20: Film and TV licensing can replace performance income and provide a source of revenue for those who learn who the decision makers are and how to effectively pitch their music.
  • MUSIC FOR ADVERTISING, 12/7/20: Licensing your music for advertising and branding is yet another source of income for indie artists. Topics covered will include what type of music works best for brands, and how to position your music for licensing in the advertising world.
  • MUSIC PRODUCTION LIBRARIES, 12/10/20: What are music production libraries, and how can they provide another source of income from your music? Much of the music you hear on TV and streaming services comes from production music libraries. In recent years, the lines have become blurred between music publishers, record companies, music libraries, and licensing agencies. What exactly is the role of a library, and what are the opportunities for musicians, composers, producers and songwriters in this sector?


Please note that you’ll have to register for each Creative Lab Hawai’i module individually. Don’t forget to regularly check Big Island Pulse for updates on all things music! And for more professional development opportunities offered by the state check out State of Hawaii Wants to Help Residents Get Free Education Online with Coursera.

Featured photo by Tatiana Syrikova via pexels.

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