Kaykas and Mauna Kea

Hilo Ocean Adventures: Saving Lives One at a Time

The amazing staff at Hilo Ocean Adventures are getting a proactive head start into the new year with prevention- drowning prevention, that is.

According to a study that was conducted by America’s National Institute of Health, formal swimming lessons has an 88% chance of reducing the risk of drowning. This is with specific focus on children a year and older.

In Hawai’i, Department of Health reports that there are more than 350 fatalities caused by drowning within a five-year span, which averages to about 50 per year. Click here to see the DOH Drowning Prevention Site.

We all know that even one is too many.

In support of Drowning Prevention Week, Hilo Ocean Adventures is offering a special promotion until January 10th. This promotion provides 20% off for all Swim Packages with their National and Internationally recognized swim instruction through Starfish Aquatic Institute (SAI). Their customizable 1 on 1 instruction is designed with their child or adult student in mind. Conveniently located in Hilo, HOA also provides daily schedule accommodations that make booking appointments easy with an emphasis of scheduling around your scheduling needs. All instruction takes place within the shop’s indoor heated swimming pools for comfortability and ease of access to support.

Where Do I Sign Up?!

To find out all the details of the child/adult swim lessons, head on over to Hilo Ocean Adventures. Check out their socials, too! Instagram http://@hilo_ocean_adventures and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hilooceanadventures?mibextid=ZbWKwL.

Or stop in at their shop:

Hilo Ocean Adventures
1717 Kamehameha Ave
Hilo, Hawai’i 96720
(808) 934-4344

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Hilo Ocean Adventures Hilo, HI (808)934-8344
Hilo Ocean Adventures Hilo, HI (808)934-8344

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